§ 110‑136.11. National Medical Support Noticerequired.
(a) Notice Required. The National Medical Support Notice shallbe used to notify employers and health insurers or health care planadministrators of an order entered pursuant to G.S. 50‑13.11 for dependenthealth benefit plan coverage in a IV‑D case. For purposes of this sectionand G.S. 110‑136.12 through G.S. 110‑136.14, the terms "healthbenefit plan" and "health insurer" are as defined in G.S. 108A‑69(a).
(b) Exception. The National Medical Support Notice shall notbe used in cases where the court has ordered nonemployment‑based healthbenefit plan coverage or where the parties have stipulated to nonemployment‑basedhealth benefit plan coverage. (2001‑237, s.8.)