§ 110‑142. Definitions; suspension and revocation of occupational, professional, orbusiness licenses of obligors who are delinquent in court‑ordered childsupport, or who are not in compliance with subpoenas issued pursuant to childsupport or paternity establishment proceedings.
The definitions in G.S. 110‑129 and G.S. 147‑54.12 apply tothis section and G.S. 110‑142.1, and G.S. 110‑142.2. In addition,to these sections the following definitions apply:
(1) "Applicant" means any person applying for issuanceor renewal of a license.
(2) "Board" means any department, division, agency,officer, board, or other unit of State government that issues licenses.
(3) "Certified list" means a list provided by thedesignated representative to the Department of Health and Human Services thatverifies, under penalty of perjury, that the names contained therein areobligors who have been found to be out of compliance with a judgment or orderfor support in a IV‑D case.
(4) "Compliance with an order for support" means that,as set forth in a judgment or order for child support or family support, theobligor is no more than 90 calendar days in arrears in making payments forcurrent support, in making periodic payments on a support arrearage, or inmaking periodic payments on a reimbursement for public assistance, has obtaineda judicial finding that precludes enforcement of the order, or has entered intoa payment schedule, including G.S. 110‑142.1(h), for the child supportarrearage with the approval of the obligee in a IV‑D case.
(5) "License" means (i) for the purposes of G.S. 110‑142.1,a license, certificate, permit, registration, or any other authorization issuedby a board that allows a person to engage in a business, occupation, orprofession or (ii) for the purposes of G.S. 110‑142.2, a license tooperate a regular or commercial motor vehicle, or to participate in hunting,fishing, or trapping.
(6) "Licensee" means any person holding a license.
(7) "Obligor" means the individual who owes a duty tomake child support payments under a court order. (1995, c. 538, s. 1.4; 1997‑433, s. 5; 1997‑443,s. 11A.118(a); 1998‑17, s. 1.)