Article 7.
Child Care Facilities.
§ 110‑85. Legislative intent and purpose.
Recognizing the importance of the early years of life to a child'sdevelopment, the General Assembly hereby declares its intent with respect tothe early care and education of children:
(1) The State should protect children in child care facilitiesby ensuring that these facilities provide a physically safe and healthyenvironment where the developmental needs of these children are met and wherethese children are cared for by qualified persons of good moral character.
(2) Repealed by Session Laws 1997‑506, s. 2, effectiveSeptember 16, 1997.
(3) Achieving this level of protection and early educationrequires the following elements: mandatory licensing of child care facilities;promotion of higher quality child care through the development of enhancedstandards which operators may comply with on a voluntary basis; and a programof education to help operators improve their programs and to deepen publicunderstanding of child care needs and issues. (1971, c. 803, s. 1; 1987, c. 788, s. 1; 1997‑506, ss. 1, 2.)