§ 111‑20. Awardssubject to reopening upon change in condition.
All awards to needy blind persons made under the provisions of thisArticle shall be made subject to reopening and reconsideration at any time whenthere has been any change in the circumstances of any needy blind person or forany other reason. The Department of Health and Human Services and the board ofcounty commissioners of each of the counties in which awards have been madeshall at all times keep properly informed as to the circumstances andconditions of the persons to whom the awards are made, making reinvestigationsannually, or more often, as may be found necessary. The Department of Healthand Human Services may at any time present to the proper board of countycommissioners any case in which, in their opinion, the changed circumstances ofthe case should be reconsidered. The board of county commissioners shallreconsider such cases and any and all other cases which, in the opinion of theboard of county commissioners, deserve reconsideration. In all such casesnotice of the hearing thereon shall be given to the person to whom the awardhas been made. Any person to whom an award has been made may apply for areopening and reconsideration thereof. Upon such hearing, the board of countycommissioners may make a new award increasing or decreasing the former award orleaving the same unchanged, or discontinuing the same, as it may find thecircumstances of the case to warrant, such changes always to be within thelimitations provided by this Article and in accordance with the terms hereof.
Any changes made in such award shall be reported to the Department ofHealth and Human Services, and shall be subject to the right of appeal andreview, as provided in G.S. 111‑16. (1937, c. 124, s. 9; 1971, c. 160; 1973, c. 476, s. 143; 1997‑443,s. 11A.118(a).)