§ 111‑24. Cooperation with federal departments or agencies; grants from federalgovernment.
The Department of Health and Human Services is hereby empowered,authorized and directed to cooperate with the appropriate federal department oragency charged with the administration of the Social Security Act in anyreasonable manner as may be necessary to qualify for federal aid for assistanceto the needy blind and in conformity with the provisions of this Article,including the making of such reports in such form and containing suchinformation as the appropriate federal department or agency may from time totime require, and the compliance with such regulations as the appropriatefederal department or agency may from time to time find necessary to assure thecorrectness and verification of such reports.
The Department of Health and Human Services is hereby further empoweredand authorized to receive grants‑in‑aid from the United Statesgovernment for assistance to the blind and grants made for payment of costs ofadministering the State plan for aid to the blind, and all such grants soreceived hereunder shall be paid into the State treasury and credited to theaccount of the Department of Health and Human Services in carrying out theprovisions of the Article. (1937, c. 124, s. 13; 1971, c. 349, s. 1; 1973, c. 476, s. 143; 1997‑443,s. 11A.118(a).)