§ 111‑27. Department of Health and Human Services to promote employment of blind persons;vending stands on public property.
For the purpose of assisting blind persons to become self‑supporting,the Department of Health and Human Services may carry on activities to promotethe employment of blind persons, including the licensing and establishment ofblind persons as operators of vending stands in public buildings. TheDepartment of Health and Human Services may cooperate with the federalgovernment in the furtherance of the Randolph‑Sheppard Vending Stand Act,20 U.S.C. §§ 107‑107f, as amended, providing for the licensing of blindpersons to operate vending stands in federal buildings, or any other act ofCongress that may be enacted.
The board of county commissioners of each county and the commissionersor officials in charge of various State and municipal buildings may permit theoperation of vending stands by blind persons on the premises of any State,county or municipal property under their respective jurisdictions. Theseoperators shall be first licensed by the Department of Health and HumanServices. Additionally, no vending stands may be operated unless, in theopinion of the commissions or officials having control and custody of theproperty, the vending stands may be properly and satisfactorily operated on thepremises without undue interference with the use and needs of the premises orproperty for public purposes. (1939, c. 123; 1973, c. 476, s. 143; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a);2000‑121, s. 16.)