§ 111‑6. Trainingschools and workshops; training outside State; sale of products; direct relief;matching of federal funds.
The Department of Health and Human Services may establish one or moretraining schools and workshops for employment of suitable blind and visuallyimpaired persons, equip and maintain these schools and workshops, pay employeessuitable wages, devise means for the sale and distribution of the products ofthese schools and workshops, and cooperate with shops already established. The Departmentof Health and Human Services may also pay for lodging, tuition, support and allnecessary expenses for blind and visually impaired persons during theirtraining or instruction in any suitable occupation, whether it be inindustrial, commercial, professional, or any other establishments, schools orinstitutions, or through private instruction when in the judgment of theDepartment of Health and Human Services this instruction or training can beobtained and will contribute to the efficiency or self‑support of theblind and visually impaired persons. When special educational opportunitiescannot be had within the State, they may be arranged for, at the discretion ofthe Department of Health and Human Services, outside of the State. TheDepartment of Health and Human Services may also aid individual blind andvisually impaired persons or groups of blind and visually impaired persons tobecome self‑supporting by furnishing material or equipment to them and byassisting them in the sale and distribution of their products. Any portion ofthe funds appropriated to the Department of Health and Human Services under theprovisions of this Chapter providing for the rehabilitation of the blind andvisually impaired and the prevention of blindness may, when the Commission forthe Blind deems wise, be given in direct money payments to the needy blind inaccordance with the provisions of G.S. 111‑13 through G.S. 111‑26.Whenever possible such funds may be matched by funds provided by the federalSocial Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 301, et seq., as amended. (1935, c. 53, s. 5; 1937, c. 124, s. 16; 1973, c. 476,s. 143; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a); 2000‑121, s. 3.)