§ 113‑169. Menhaden license for nonresidentsnot eligible for a SCFL.
A person who is not a North Carolina resident, who is not eligible fora SCFL under this Article, and who only seeks to engage in a commercial fishingoperation for the harvest and sale of menhaden is eligible to obtain a menhadenlicense for nonresidents. The fee for the menhaden license for nonresidentsshall be two dollars ($2.00) per ton, gross tonnage, customhouse measurementsfor the mother ship. The menhaden license for nonresidents shall be requiredfor the mother ship to take, land, or sell menhaden in North Carolina taken bypurse seine. No separate endorsement shall be required for a purse boatcarrying a purse seine. The application for a menhaden license for nonresidentsmust state the name of the person in command of the vessel. Upon change incommand of a menhaden vessel, the owner must notify the Division within 30days. A person who works as a member of the crew of a vessel engaged in acommercial fishing operation for the harvest and sale of menhaden under thedirection of a person who holds a valid menhaden license for nonresidents isnot required to hold a menhaden license for nonresidents or a SCFL. (1997‑400, s. 5.1; 1998‑225, s. 4.16; 2001‑213, s.2.)