§ 113‑169.4. Licensing of ocean fishing piers;fees.
(a) The owner or operator of an ocean fishing pier within thecoastal fishing waters who charges the public a fee to fish in any manner fromthe pier shall secure a current and valid pier license from the Division. Anapplication for a pier license shall disclose the names of all parties involvedin the pier operations, including the owner of the property, owner of the pierif different, and all leasehold or other corporate arrangements, and all personswith a substantial financial interest in the pier.
(b) Within 30 days following a change of ownership of a pier, ora change as to the manager, the manager or new manager shall secure areplacement pier license as provided in G.S. 113‑168.1(h).
(c) Pier licenses are issued upon payment of fifty cents (50¢)per linear foot, to the nearest foot, that the pier extends into coastalfishing waters beyond the mean high waterline. The length of the pier shall bemeasured to include all extensions of the pier.
(d) The manager who secures the pier license shall be theindividual with the duty of executive‑level supervision of pieroperations. (1997‑400, s. 5.1;1998‑225, s. 4.19; 2001‑213, s. 2.)