§ 113‑169.5. Land or sell license; vesselsfishing beyond territorial waters.
(a) Persons aboard vessels not having their primary situs in theState that are carrying a cargo of fish taken outside the waters of the Statemay land or sell their catch in the State by purchasing a land or sell licenseas set forth in this section with respect to the vessel in question. TheCommission may by rule modify the land or sell licensing procedure in order todevise an efficient and convenient procedure for licensing out‑of‑statevessels to only land, or after landing to permit sale of cargo.
(b) The fee for a land or sell license for a vessel not havingits primary situs in North Carolina is two hundred dollars ($200.00), or anamount equal to the nonresident fee charged by the nonresident's state,whichever is greater. Persons aboard vessels having a primary situs in ajurisdiction that would allow North Carolina vessels without restriction toland or sell their catch, taken outside the jurisdiction, may land or sell theircatch in the State without complying with this section if the persons are inpossession of a valid license from their state of residence. (1997‑400, s. 5.1; 2001‑213, s. 2.)