§ 113‑172. License agents.
(a) The Secretary shall designate license agents for theDepartment. At least one license agent shall be designated for each county thatcontains or borders on coastal fishing waters. The Secretary may designateadditional license agents in any county if the Secretary determines thatadditional agents are needed to provide efficient service to the public. TheDivision and license agents designated by the Secretary under this sectionshall issue licenses authorized under this Article in accordance with thisArticle and the rules of the Commission. The Secretary may require licenseagents to enter into a contract that provides for their duties andcompensation, post a bond, and submit to reasonable inspections and audits. Ifa license agent violates any provision of this Article, the rules of theCommission, or the terms of the contract, the Secretary may initiateproceedings for the forfeiture of the license agent's bond and may summarilysuspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a designation as a license agent and mayimpound or require the return of all licenses, moneys, record books, reports,license forms and other documents, ledgers, and materials pertinent orapparently pertinent to the license agency. The Secretary shall report evidenceor misuse of State property, including license fees, by a license agent to theState Bureau of Investigation as provided by G.S. 114‑15.1.
(b) License agents shall be compensated by adding a surcharge ofone dollar ($1.00) to each license sold and retaining the surcharge. If morethan one license is listed on a consolidated license form, the license agentshall be compensated as if a single license were sold. It is unlawful for alicense agent to add more than the surcharge authorized by this section to thefee for each license sold. (1997‑400, s. 5.1;1999‑209, s. 3; 2001‑213, s. 2.)