§ 113‑174.3. For HireBlanket CRFL.
(a) License. A personwho operates a for hire boat may purchase a For Hire Blanket CRFL issued by theDivision for the for hire boat. A For Hire Blanket CRFL authorizes allindividuals on the for hire boat who do not hold a license issued under thisArticle or Article 25A of this Chapter to engage in recreational fishing incoastal fishing waters that are not joint fishing waters. A For Hire BlanketCRFL does not authorize individuals to engage in recreational fishing in jointfishing waters or inland fishing waters. A For Hire Blanket CRFL is valid for aperiod of one year from the date of issuance. The fee for a For Hire BlanketCRFL is:
(1) Two hundred fiftydollars ($250.00) for a vessel that will carry six or fewer passengers.
(2) Three hundred fiftydollars ($350.00) for a vessel that will carry greater than six passengers.
(b) Implementation. Except as provided in this section and G.S. 113‑174.2(d), each individualon board a for hire boat engaged in recreational fishing, other than crewmembers who do not engage in recreational fishing, must hold a license issuedunder this Article or Article 25A of this Chapter. An owner, operator, or crewmember of a for hire boat is not responsible for the licensure of a customerfishing from the boat. (2005‑455, s. 1.5; 2006‑255, s. 7; 2006‑259, s.20.5.)