§ 113‑182. Regulation of fishing and fisheries.
(a) The Marine Fisheries Commission is authorized to authorize,license, regulate, prohibit, prescribe, or restrict all forms of marine andestuarine resources in coastal fishing waters with respect to:
(1) Time, place, character, or dimensions of any methods orequipment that may be employed in taking fish;
(2) Seasons for taking fish;
(3) Size limits on and maximum quantities of fish that may betaken, possessed, bailed to another, transported, bought, sold, or given away.
(b) The Marine Fisheries Commission is authorized to authorize,regulate, prohibit, prescribe, or restrict and the Department is authorized tolicense:
(1) The opening and closing of coastal fishing waters, except asto inland game fish, whether entirely or only as to the taking of particularclasses of fish, use of particular equipment, or as to other activities withinthe jurisdiction of the Department; and
(2) The possession, cultivation, transportation, importation,exportation, sale, purchase, acquisition, and disposition of all marine andestuarine resources and all related equipment, implements, vessels, andconveyances as necessary to implement the work of the Department in carryingout its duties.
(3) The possession, transportation, importation, exportation,sale, purchase, acquisition, and disposition of all fish taken in the AtlanticOcean out to a distance of 200 miles from the State's mean low watermark,consistent with the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 16 U.S.C.§ 1801, et seq., as amended. (1915, c. 84, s. 21; 1917, c. 290, s. 7; C.S., s. 1878; 1925, c. 168,s. 2; 1935, c. 35; 1945, c. 776; 1953, cc. 774, 1251; 1961, c. 1189, s. 1;1963, c. 1097, s. 1; 1965, c. 957, s. 2; 1973, c. 1262, s. 28; 1995, c. 507, s.26.5(c); 1997‑400, s. 6.6.)