§ 113‑260. NorthCarolina members of the Mid‑Atlantic Fishery Management Council.
(a) In pursuance of Section 302 of the Magnuson‑StevensFishery Conservation and Management Act, 16 U.S.C. § 1801, et seq., there shallbe at least two members of the Mid‑Atlantic Fishery Management Councilfrom the State of North Carolina.
(b) The first Council member shall be the principal Stateofficial with marine fishery management responsibility and expertise in theState, which official is the Director of the Division of Marine Fisheries ofthe Department or his designee.
(c) Pursuant to the enabling legislation, other members from theState of North Carolina are selected by the United States Secretary of Commercefrom a list of qualified individuals submitted by the Governor of the State.The list of nominees shall be compiled by the Marine Fisheries Commission andmust be comprised of individuals who are knowledgeable and experienced withregard to the management, conservation, or commercial or recreational harvest ofthe fishery resources in the Atlantic Ocean seaward of the states of New York,New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina.Prior to submission of the list of nominees, the Governor may consult with theCommission regarding additions to the list of nominees to be submitted. Shouldit be necessary for the Governor to submit additional nominees, the list ofnominees shall be compiled by the Marine Fisheries Commission. (1998‑225, s. 4.23.)