§ 113‑270.1D. Sportsmanlicenses.
(a) Annual SportsmanLicense $40.00. This license shall be issued only to an individual residentof the State and entitles the licensee to take all wild animals and wild birds,including waterfowl, by all lawful methods in all open seasons, including theuse of game lands, and to fish with hook and line for all fish in all inlandand joint fishing waters, including public mountain trout waters. An annualsportsman license issued under this subsection does not entitle the licensee toengage in recreational fishing in coastal fishing waters that are not jointfishing waters.
(b) Lifetime SportsmanLicenses. Except as provided in subdivision (7) of this subsection, lifetimesportsman licenses are valid for the lifetime of the licensees. Lifetimesportsman licenses entitle the licensees to take all wild animals and wildbirds by all lawful methods in all open seasons, including the use of gamelands, and to fish with hook and line for all fish in all inland and jointfishing waters, including public mountain trout waters. A lifetime sportsmanlicense issued under this subsection does not entitle the licensee to engage inrecreational fishing in coastal fishing waters that are not joint fishingwaters. Lifetime sportsman licenses issued by the Wildlife Resources Commissionare:
(1) Infant LifetimeSportsman License $200.00. This license shall be issued only to an individualunder one year of age.
(2) Youth LifetimeSportsman License $350.00. This license shall be issued only to an individualunder 12 years of age.
(3) Adult ResidentLifetime Sportsman License $500.00. This license shall be issued only to anindividual resident of the State.
(4) Nonresident LifetimeSportsman License $1,000. This license shall be issued only to an individualnonresident of the State.
(5) Age 65 ResidentLifetime Sportsman License $15.00. This license shall be issued only to anindividual resident of the State who is at least 65 years of age.
(6) Repealed by SessionLaws 2005‑455, s. 1.7 effective January 1, 2007.
(7) Resident DisabledVeteran Lifetime Sportsman License $100.00. This license shall be issued onlyto an individual who is a resident of the State and who is a fifty percent(50%) or more disabled veteran as determined by the United States Department ofVeterans Affairs. This license remains valid for the lifetime of the licenseeso long as the licensee remains fifty percent (50%) or more disabled.
(8) Resident TotallyDisabled Lifetime Sportsman License $100.00. This license shall be issuedonly to an individual who is a resident of the State and who is totally andpermanently disabled as determined by the Social Security Administration. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c.684, s. 1; 1997‑326, s. 1; 1999‑339, s. 4; 2005‑455, s. 1.7.)