§ 113‑271. Hook‑and‑linelicenses in inland and joint fishing waters.
(a) An inland hook‑and‑linefishing license issued under this section entitles the licensee to fish withhook and line in inland fishing waters and joint fishing waters. An inland hook‑and‑linefishing license issued under this section does not entitle the licensee toengage in recreational fishing in coastal fishing waters that are not jointfishing waters. An inland hook‑and‑line fishing license issuedunder subdivision (1), (3), (6a), (6b), (6c), or (9) of subsection (d) of thissection entitles the licensee to fish with hook and line in public mountaintrout waters.
(b) Repealed by SessionLaws 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 684, s. 4.
(c) Repealed by SessionLaws 1979, c. 830, s. 1.
(d) The hook‑and‑linefishing licenses issued by the Wildlife Resources Commission are as follows:
(1) Resident AnnualComprehensive Inland Fishing License $20.00. This license shall be issuedonly to an individual resident of the State.
(2) Resident State InlandFishing License $15.00. This license shall be issued only to an individualresident of the State.
(3) Lifetime ResidentComprehensive Inland Fishing License $250.00. This license shall be issuedonly to an individual resident of the State and is valid for the lifetime ofthe licensee.
(4) Resident CountyInland Fishing License $10.00. This license shall be issued only to anindividual resident of the State and is valid only within the county ofresidence of the licensee.
(5) Nonresident State InlandFishing License $30.00. This license shall be issued to an individualnonresident of the State.
(6) Short‑TermInland Fishing Licenses. Short‑term inland fishing licenses are validonly for the date or consecutive dates indicated on the licenses. Short‑terminland fishing licenses issued by the Wildlife Resources Commission are:
a. Resident 10‑dayInland Fishing License $5.00. This license shall be issued only to a residentof the State.
b. Nonresident 10‑dayInland Fishing License $10.00. This license shall be issued only to anonresident of the State.
c. Repealed by SessionLaws 2005‑455, s. 1.8, effective January 1, 2007.
(6a) Age 65 ResidentLifetime Inland Fishing License $15.00. This license shall be issued only toan individual resident of the State who is at least 65 years of age.
(6b) Resident DisabledVeteran Lifetime Inland Fishing License $10.00. This license shall be issuedonly to an individual who is a resident of the State and who is a fifty percent(50%) or more disabled veteran as determined by the United States Department ofVeterans Affairs. This license remains valid for the lifetime of the licenseeso long as the licensee remains fifty percent (50%) or more disabled.
(6c) Resident TotallyDisabled Lifetime Inland Fishing License $10.00. This license shall be issuedonly to an individual who is a resident of the State and who is totally andpermanently disabled as determined by the Social Security Administration. Thislicense remains valid for the lifetime of the licensee.
(7), (8) Repealed bySession Laws 2005‑455, s. 1.8, effective January 1, 2007.
(9) Special Landholderand Guest Fishing License $50.00. This license shall be issued only to thelandholder of private property bordering inland or joint fishing waters. Thislicense shall entitle the landholder and guests of the landholder to fish fromthe shore or any pier or dock originating from the property without anyadditional fishing license. This license is applicable only to private propertyand private docks and piers and is not valid for any public property, pier, ordock nor for any private property, pier, or dock operated for any commercialpurpose whatsoever. This license shall not be in force unless displayed on thepremises of the property and only entitles fishing without additional licenseto persons fishing from the licensed property and then only when fishing withinthe private property lines. This license is not transferable as to person orlocation. For purposes of this subdivision, a guest is any individual invitedby the landholder to fish from the property at no charge. A charge includes anyfee, assessment, dues, rent, or other consideration which must be paid, whetherdirectly or indirectly, in order to be allowed to fish from the property,regardless of the stated reason for such charge. (1929, c. 335, ss. 1‑4;1931, c. 351; 1933, c. 236; 1935, c. 478; 1945, c. 529, ss. 1, 2; c. 567, ss. 1‑4;1949, c. 1203, s. 2; 1953, c. 1147; 1955, c. 198, s. 1; 1957, c. 849, s. 2;1959, c. 164; 1961, c. 312; c. 834, ss. 3‑6; 1965, c. 957, s. 2; 1969, c.761; c. 1042, s. 9; 1973, c. 476, s. 143; c. 504; 1975, c. 197, s. 15; 1979, c.737, ss. 1, 2; c. 748, s. 6; c. 830, s. 1; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1178, ss. 3, 5;1981, c. 482, s. 5; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1201, s. 5; 1983, c. 140, s. 6;1987, c. 156, ss. 8, 9; c. 827, s. 98; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 909, s. 2;c. 926; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 684, s. 4; 1995, c. 535, s. 6.1; 1997‑443,s. 11A.118(a); 1999‑456, s. 28.; 2005‑455, s. 1.8; 2006‑255,s. 8.)