§ 113‑272.3. Specialprovisions respecting fishing licenses; grabbling; taking bait fish; use oflanding nets; lifetime licenses issued from Wildlife Resources Commissionheadquarters; personalized lifetime sportsman combination licenses.
(a) The WildlifeResources Commission by rule may define the meaning of "hook andline" and "special device" as applied to fishing techniques. Anytechnique of fishing that may be lawfully authorized which employs neither theuse of any special device nor hook and line must be pursued under theappropriate hook‑and‑line fishing license.
(b) In accordance withestablished fishing customs and the orderly conservation of wildlife resources,the Wildlife Resources Commission may by rule provide for use of nets or otherspecial devices which it may authorize as an incident to hook‑and‑linefishing or for procuring bait fish without requiring a special device license.In this instance, however, the individual fishing must meet applicable hook‑and‑linelicense requirements.
(c) Lifetime licensesare issued from the Wildlife Resources Commission headquarters. Eachapplication for an Infant Lifetime Sportsman or Youth Lifetime SportsmanLicense must be accompanied by a certified copy of the birth certificate,adoption order containing the date of birth, or other proof of age satisfactoryto the Commission, of the individual to be named as the licensee.
(d) In issuing lifetimelicenses, the Wildlife Resources Commission is authorized to adopt rules toestablish a personalized series for certain license types and to charge a fivedollar ($5.00) administrative fee, to be deposited in the Wildlife Fund, todefray the cost of issuance of the personalized license. (1979, c. 830, s. 1; 1981, c.482, s. 8; c. 620, s. 3; 1987, c. 827, s. 98; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 684,s. 6.1; 2005‑455, s. 1.9; 2006‑255, s. 9.)