§ 113‑272.4. Collection licenses.
(a) In the interest of the orderly and efficient conservation ofwildlife resources, the Wildlife Resources Commission may provide for thelicensing of qualified individuals to take any of the wildlife resources of theState under a collection license that may serve in lieu of any other licenserequired in this Article. This license authorizes incidental transportation andpossession of the wildlife resources necessary to implement the authorizedpurposes of the taking, but the Wildlife Resources Commission in its discretionmay additionally impose permit requirements under subsection (d) below and G.S.113‑274.
(b) The Wildlife Resources Commission may delegate to theExecutive Director the authority to impose time limits during which the licenseis valid and restrictions as to what may be taken and method of taking andpossession, in the interests of conservation objectives. The Executive Directorthrough his responsible agents must determine whether a particular license applicantmeets the standards and qualifications for licensees set by the WildlifeResources Commission. Methods of taking under a collection license need not berestricted to those applicable to ordinary hunting, trapping, or fishing, butthe licensee must observe the restrictions as to taking, transportation, andpossession imposed by the Executive Director upon the granting of the license.
(c) When a more limited duration period is not set by theExecutive Director in implementing the rules of the Wildlife ResourcesCommission, collection licenses are valid from January 1 through December 31 inany year. This license is issued upon payment of five dollars ($5.00), but theWildlife Resources Commission may provide for issuance without charge tolicensees who represent educational or scientific institutions or somegovernmental agency.
(d) As necessary, the Executive Director may administrativelyimpose on licensees under this section restrictions upon individuals taking,transporting, or possessing under the license which will permit readyidentification and control of those involved in the interest of efficientadministration of laws pertaining to wildlife resources. Restrictions mayinclude requirements as to record keeping, tagging, marking packages, cages, orcontainers and exhibition of additional limited‑purpose and limited‑timepermits that may be issued without charge to cover particular activities andother actions that may be administratively required in the reasonableimplementation of the objectives of this Subchapter.
(e) If the Executive Director deems it administrativelyappropriate and convenient to do so, in the interests of simplifying theadministration of licensing requirements, he may grant particular licenseesunder this section the privilege of utilizing assistants in taking,transporting, or possessing wildlife resources who themselves are not licensed.Any assistants so taking, transporting, or possessing wildlife resources musthave readily available for inspection a written authorization from the licenseeto engage in the activity in question. The written authorization must containinformation administratively required by the Executive Director, and a copy ofthe authorization must be placed in the mail addressed to the Executive Directoror his designated agent before any assistant acts under the authorization. Inhis discretion the Executive Director may refuse to issue, refuse to renew, orrevoke the privilege conferred in this subsection. If this is done, eachindividual engaged in taking, transporting, or possessing wildlife resourcesunder this section must meet all applicable licensing and permit requirements. (1979, c. 830, s. 1; 1987, c. 827, s. 98.)