§ 113‑272.6. Transportation of cervids andlicensing of captive cervid facilities.
(a) The Wildlife Resources Commission shall regulate thetransportation, including importation and exportation, and possession ofcervids, including game carcasses and parts of game carcasses extracted byhunters. The Commission shall adopt rules to implement this section, includingrequirements for captivity licenses, captivity permits, and transportationpermits. The rules adopted pursuant to this section shall establish standardsof care for the transportation and possession of cervids, includingrequirements for fencing, tagging, record keeping, and inspection of captivecervid facilities. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Commissionmay charge a fee of up to fifty dollars ($50.00) for the processing ofapplications for captivity licenses, captivity permits, and transportationpermits, and the renewal or modification of those licenses and permits. Thefees collected shall be applied to the costs of administering this section.
(b) The Wildlife Resources Commission shall notify everyapplicant for a transportation permit that any permit issued is subject to theapplicant's compliance with the Department of Agriculture and ConsumerServices' requirements for transportation pursuant to Article 34 of Chapter 106of the General Statutes.
(c) The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services shallregulate the production and sale of farmed cervids for commercial purposespursuant to G.S. 106‑549.97.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the NorthCarolina Wildlife Resources Commission shall issue captivity licenses,captivity permits, or transportation permits to any person possessing cervidsthat were held in captivity by that person prior to May 17, 2002, if theExecutive Director finds that the applicant has come into compliance with allapplicable rules related to the holding of cervids in captivity by January 1,2004, and that issuance of such license or permit does not pose unreasonablerisk to the conservation of wildlife resources.
(e) Any captivity license, captivity permit, or cervids heldcontrary to the provisions of this section may be subject to forfeiture anddisposition in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 113‑137 or G.S. 113‑276.2.(2003‑344, s. 5.)