§ 113‑275. General provisions respectinglicenses and permits.
(a) The Wildlife Resources Commission is authorized to makeagreements with other jurisdictions as to reciprocal honoring of licenses inthe best interests of the conservation of wildlife resources.
(a1) Notwithstanding the fees specified for nonresidentindividuals by G.S. 113‑270.2, 113‑270.3, 113‑270.5, 113‑271,113‑272, 113‑272.2, and 113‑273, if the Wildlife ResourcesCommission finds that a state has a nonresident license fee related to wildliferesources that exceeds the fee for a comparable nonresident license in NorthCarolina, the Wildlife Resources Commission may, by resolution in officialsession, increase the nonresident license fee applicable to citizens of thatstate to an amount equal to the fee a North Carolina resident is required topay in that state.
The action of the Wildlife Resources Commission to increase a feepursuant to this subsection is not subject to the provisions of Article 2A ofChapter 150B of the General Statutes. The action of the Wildlife ResourcesCommission to increase a fee pursuant to this subsection becomes effective onthe date specified by the Wildlife Resources Commission.
(b) Every license issued under the provisions of this Article iseffective beginning upon its date of issuance unless the license expresslyprovides to the contrary, in accordance with rules of the Wildlife ResourcesCommission and such administrative authority to set future effective dates inparticular types of cases as may be delegated by the Wildlife ResourcesCommission to responsible employees or agents.
(b1) No hunting or fishing license issued to a resident under theprovisions of G.S. 113‑270.1C, 113‑270.1D, 113‑270.2, 113‑270.3,113‑271, or 113‑272 becomes invalid for use during the term forwhich it is issued by reason of a removal of the residence of the licensee toanother state.
(c) Every license issued under the provisions of this Articlemust be sold for the full prescribed amount notwithstanding that a portion ofthe prescribed license period may have elapsed prior to the licenseapplication.
(c1) Upon receipt of a proper application together with a fee offive dollars ($5.00), the Wildlife Resources Commission may issue a new licenseor permit to replace one that has been lost or destroyed before its expiration.The application must be on a form of the Wildlife Resources Commission settingforth information in sufficient detail to allow ready identification of thelost or destroyed license or permit and ascertainment of the applicant'scontinued entitlement to it.
(d) In implementing the sale and distribution of licenses issuedunder this Article, the Wildlife Resources Commission may require licenseapplicants to disclose such information as necessary for determining the applicant'seligibility for a particular license. Such information as deemed desirable toassist in enforcement of license requirements may be required to be recorded onthe face of any license. Fixing the form of the license may be by reasonableadministrative directive, and requirements as to such form need not be embodiedin rules of the Wildlife Resources Commission in order to be validly required.
(e) Where employees of the Wildlife Resources Commission selllicenses of a type also sold through license agents, such employees must sellthe licenses for the full amount and remit such full amount to the WildlifeResources Commission without any deduction of the stipulated license agent'sfee.
(f) Except as otherwise specifically provided by statute orexcept as the Wildlife Resources Commission may by rule prescribe to thecontrary:
(1) All licenses and permits under this Article must be keptready at hand by or about the person of individual licensees and permitteeswhile engaged in the regulated operations;
(2) All licenses and permits under this Article arenontransferable; and
(3) All individuals engaged in operations subject to license orpermit requirements must have an individual license or permit except wheresuch individuals are in the employ of and under the supervision of someone whohas the license or permit or acceptable evidence of the same at hand and theactivity is one for which a person not an individual may acquire a license.
(g) It is unlawful to buy, sell, lend, borrow, or in any other waytransfer or receive or attempt to do any such things with respect to anynontransferable license or permit for the purpose of circumventing therequirements of this Article.
(h) It is unlawful for any person engaged in regulatedoperations under this Article to refuse to exhibit or display any requiredlicense, permit, or identification upon the request of any employee or agent ofthe Wildlife Resources Commission or of any officer authorized to enforce theprovisions of this Article.
(i) It is unlawful to refuse to comply with any provisions ofthis Article or of rules and administrative requirements reasonably promulgatedunder the authority of this Article.
(j) It is a Class 1 misdemeanor for any person:
(1) Knowingly to engage in any activity regulated under thisArticle with an improper, false, or altered license or permit;
(2) Knowingly to make any application for a license or permit towhich he is not entitled;
(3) Knowingly to make any false, fraudulent, or misleadingstatement in applying for a license or permit under this Article; or
(4) To counterfeit, alter, or falsify any application, license,or permit under this Article.
(k) A person may use a bow and arrow to take nongame fish ininland and joint fishing waters subject to any applicable rule of the WildlifeResources Commission regarding seasons, creel limits, type of weapon orsubsidiary gear, or any other restriction necessary for the conservation ofwildlife under the authority of the following licenses:
(1) All of the combination hunting and fishing licenses issuedpursuant to G.S. 113‑270.1C;
(2) All of the sportsman licenses issued pursuant to G.S. 113‑270.1D;
(3) The hunting licenses issued pursuant to G.S. 113‑270.2(c)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6);
(4) The hook‑and‑line fishing licenses issuedpursuant to G.S. 113‑271(d)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (8), and (9);and
(5) All of the special device fishing licenses issued pursuantto G.S. 113‑272.2. (1929, c. 335, ss. 6, 10,11; 1945, c. 567, ss. 5, 6; 1961, c. 329; 1965, c. 957, s. 2; 1973, c. 1262, s.18; 1979, c. 830, s. 1; 1981, c. 620, ss. 7, 8; 1987, c. 745, s. 1; c. 827, s.98; 1993, c. 539, s. 855; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1993 (Reg. Sess.,1994), c. 684, s. 7; 1995, c. 36, s. 1; 2000‑189, s. 10; 2005‑455,s. 1.10.)