§ 113‑28. Reimbursement of government for expense of emergency conservation work.
When and if, upon the sale of State lands or its products, theSecretary determines that the State has derived a direct profit as a result ofwork on the land sold, or on land the products of which are sold, done or to bedone, under a project carried on pursuant to an act of Congress entitled,"An act for the relief of unemployment through the performance of usefulpublic work, and for other purposes" approved March 31, 1933, one half ofsuch profit from such sale of land, or one half the proceeds of the sale ofsuch products, or such lesser amount as may be sufficient, shall be applied toor toward reimbursing the United States government for moneys expended by itunder such act, for the work so done, to the extent and at the rate of onedollar ($1.00) per man per day, for the time spent in such work, but notexceeding in the aggregate three dollars ($3.00) per acre. The Secretary shallfix and determine the amount of such profit or proceeds. Such one‑halfpart of such proceeds or profits, as the case may be, shall be retained by theDepartment, or paid over to it by any other authorized agency making the sale,to be so retained by such Department until the account of the United Statesgovernment, with respect to such sale, becomes liquidated. Upon completion ofthe sale, the Department is hereby authorized to settle with the proper federalauthority an account fixing the amount due the United States government and topay over to it the amount so fixed. The unexpended remainder, if any, of suchone‑half part of such profit or proceeds shall then be paid over orapplied by said Department as now authorized and directed by law. This sectionshall not be construed to authorize the sale of State lands or products, butapplies only to a sale now or hereafter authorized by other provisions of law. This section is enacted to procure a continuance of the emergency conservationwork within the State, under such act of Congress. (1935, c. 115; 1973, c. 1262, s. 86; 1977, c. 771, s.4; 1989, c. 727, s. 45.)