§ 113‑291.4A. Openseasons for taking foxes with firearms.
(a) There is an open season for the taking of foxes withfirearms in all areas of the State east of Interstate Highway 77 and inMitchell and Caldwell Counties from the beginning of the season established bythe Wildlife Resources Commission for the taking of rabbits and quail throughJanuary 1 of each year. The selling, buying, or possessing for sale of any foxor fox part taken pursuant to this subsection is prohibited, and is punishableas provided by G.S. 113‑294(a) or (j).
(b) The Wildlife Resources Commission shall establishappropriate bag and season limits that may be imposed upon the taking of foxespursuant to this act, and may make reasonable rules governing the possession offoxes killed by motor vehicles or other accidental means. (1989, c. 616, s. 1; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 811;1995, c. 32, s. 1; 1999‑456, s. 32.)