§ 113‑291.5. Regulation of dogs used in hunting; limitations on authority of WildlifeResources Commission; control of dogs on game lands; control of dogs chasingdeer; other restrictions.
(a) Except as provided in G.S. 113‑291.4, in the areadescribed below, the Wildlife Resources Commission may regulate the use of dogstaking wildlife with respect to seasons, times, and places of use. The areacovered by this subsection is that part of the State in and west of thefollowing counties or parts of counties: Rockingham; Guilford; that part ofAlamance and Orange lying south of Interstate Highway 85; Chatham; that part ofWake lying south of N.C. Highway 98; Lee; Randolph; Montgomery; Stanly; Union;and that part of Anson lying west of N.C. Highway 742.
(b) In the area of the State lying east of that described insubsection (a), the Wildlife Resources Commission may not restrict or prohibitthe use of dogs in hunting or the training of dogs, in season or out, exceptduring the breeding and raising seasons for game during the period April 15through June 15.
(c) On game lands, wildlife refuges, and public hunting groundsthe Wildlife Resources Commission may regulate the possession and use of dogsand may impound dogs found running at large without supervision or, ifunsupervised, without means of identification.
(d) The Wildlife Resources Commission may not by its rulesanywhere in the State restrict the number of dogs used in hunting or requirethat any particular breed of dog be used in hunting.
(e) It is unlawful to allow dogs not under the control of theowner or the individual in possession of the dogs to run or chase deer duringthe closed deer season.
(f) Nothing in this section is intended to require the leashingor confining of pet dogs. (1979, c. 830, s. 1; 1987, c. 827, s. 98.)