§ 113‑296. DisabledSportsman Program.
(a) The DisabledSportsman Program is established, to be developed and administered by theWildlife Resources Commission. The Disabled Sportsman Program shall consist ofspecial hunting and fishing activities adapted to the needs of persons with thedisabilities described in subsection (b) of this section.
(b) In order to beeligible for participation in the Disabled Sportsman Program established bythis section, an individual must be a holder of a Resident Disabled Veteran orResident Totally Disabled license or must be able to certify through competentmedical evidence one of the following disabilities:
(1) Missing fiftypercent (50%) or more of one or more limbs, whether by amputation or naturalcauses.
(2) Paralysis of one ormore limbs.
(3) Dysfunction of oneor more limbs rendering the individual unable to perform the tasks of graspingand lifting with the hands and arms or unable to walk without mechanicalassistance, other than a cane.
(4) Disease, injury, ordefect confining the individual to a wheelchair, walker, or crutches.
(5) Legal deafness.
(6) Legal blindness, forpurposes of participation in disabled fishing only.
The disability must bepermanent, and an individual loses eligibility to participate in the DisabledSportsman Program when the specified disability ceases to exist.
(c) A person whoqualifies under subsection (b) of this section may apply for participation inthe Disabled Sportsman Program by completing an application supplied by theWildlife Resources Commission and by supplying the medical evidence necessaryto confirm the person's disability. In order to participate in activities underthe Program, each disabled participant may be accompanied by an able‑bodiedcompanion, who may also participate in the hunting, fishing, or other activity.The Commission shall charge each disabled participant an application fee of ten‑dollars($10.00) to defray the cost of processing the application and administering thespecial activities provided under the Program. An applicant may apply for anyor all available Disabled Sportsman hunts at the time of application for asingle fee. Any subsequent applications shall be accompanied by an additionalten‑dollar ($10.00) application fee. The participant and the participant'scompanion shall also obtain any applicable hunting, fishing, or other speciallicense required for the activities.
(d) In developing theDisabled Sportsman Program, the Wildlife Resources Commission shall:
(1) Establish specialseasons and bag limits for hunting all or selected species of wildlife;
(2) Authorize the mannerfor taking wildlife, consistent with State law;
(3) Permit the use ofvehicles and other means of conveyance in areas normally closed to such use;
(4) Set special fishingseasons and size and creel limits for inland fish; and
(5) Permit the use ofcrossbows or other specially equipped bows by persons incapable of arm movementsufficient to operate a longbow, recurve bow, or compound bow, but only duringa season for hunting with bow and arrow and only during a special huntorganized and supervised by the Wildlife Resources Commission for the DisabledSportsman Program; and
(6) Alter any otherestablished rules of the Wildlife Resources Commission pertaining to hunting,fishing, or special activities, as generally applicable or as applicable togame lands, for the purpose of providing access to disabled personsparticipating in the Disabled Sportsman Program.
The Wildlife ResourcesCommission may use its game lands for purposes of conducting special activitiesfor the Disabled Sportsman Program, and may enter into agreements with otherlandholders for purposes of conducting special activities on private lands.
(e) The WildlifeResources Commission may establish special activities under the DisabledSportsman Program for any class or classes of disability described insubsection (b) of this section. The Commission shall publicize these activitiesthrough the public media and in the Commission's publications to ensure thatdisabled persons are notified of the activities and informed about theapplication process.
(f) The WildlifeResources Commission shall hold at least four special hunting activities underthe Disabled Sportsman Program per calendar year. The Commission shallalternate the location of these special activities so as to provide equalaccess to disabled persons in all regions of the State. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c.557, s. 1; 2005‑438, s. 3; 2005‑455, s. 1.15; 2008‑205, s.2.)