§ 113‑300.7. Appointment of Compact Administrator; implementation; rules; amendments.
(a) The Chair of theWildlife Resources Commission, in consultation with the Chair of the MarineFisheries Commission and the Fisheries Director, shall appoint the CompactAdministrator for North Carolina. The Compact Administrator shall serve at thepleasure of the Chair of the Wildlife Resources Commission.
(b) The WildlifeResources Commission, the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, andthe Division of Marine Fisheries may suspend or revoke the license, privilege,or right of any person to hunt, fish, trap, possess, or transport wildlife inthis State to the extent that the license, privilege, or right has beensuspended or revoked by another compact member under the provisions of thisArticle.
(c) The WildlifeResources Commission and the Marine Fisheries Commission shall adopt rulesnecessary to carry out the purposes of this Article.
(d) Any proposedamendment to the Compact shall be submitted to the General Assembly as anamendment to G.S. 113‑300.6. In order to be endorsed by the State ofNorth Carolina as provided by subsection (b) of Article IX of the Compact, aproposed amendment to the Compact must be enacted into law. (2008‑120, s. 1; 2009‑15,s. 2.)