§ 113‑302. Primafacie evidence provisions.
(a) Except as provided below, possession of game or game fish inany hotel, restaurant, cafe, market, or store, or by any produce dealer,constitutes prima facie evidence of possession for the purpose of sale. Thissubsection does not apply to:
(1) Possession of propagated game birds or hatchery‑rearedtrout that is in accordance with licensing requirements and wrapping or taggingprovisions that may apply; or
(2) Game or game fish brought in by patrons in accordance withG.S. 113‑276(i).
(b) The flashing or display of any artificial light between ahalf hour after sunset and a half hour before sunrise in any area which isfrequented or inhabited by wild deer by any person who has accessible to him afirearm, crossbow, or other bow and arrow constitutes prima facie evidence oftaking deer with the aid of an artificial light. This subsection does not applyto the headlights of any vehicle driven normally along any highway or otherpublic or private roadway. (1965, c. 957, s. 2; 1979, c. 830, s. 1.)