§ 113‑44.14. Additions to and deletions fromthe State Parks System.
(a) If, in the course of implementing G.S. 113‑44.12 theSecretary determines that the major purposes of a park are not consistent withthe purposes of this Article and the Plan, the Secretary may propose to theGeneral Assembly the deletion of that park from the State Parks System. On amajority vote of each house of the General Assembly, the General Assembly mayremove the park from the State Parks System. No other agency or governmentalbody of the State shall have the power to remove a park or any part from theState Parks System.
(b) New parks shall be added to the State Parks System by theDepartment after authorization by the General Assembly. Each additional parkshall be authorized only by an act of the General Assembly. Additions shall beconsistent with and shall address the needs of the State Parks System asdescribed in the Plan. All additions shall be accompanied by adequateauthorization and appropriations for land acquisition, development, andoperations. (1987, c. 243, s. 1.)