Article 4C.
Regulation of Open Fires.
§ 113‑60.21. Purpose and findings.
The purpose of this Article is to regulate certain open burning inorder to protect the public from the hazards of forest fires and air pollutionand to adapt such regulation to the needs and circumstances of the differentareas of North Carolina. The General Assembly finds that open burning inproximity to woodlands must be regulated in all counties to protect againstforest fires and air pollution. The General Assembly further finds that incertain counties a high percentage of the land area contains organic soils orforest types which may pose greater problems of forest fire and air pollutioncontrols, and that in counties in which a great amount of land‑clearingoperations is taking place on these organic soils or these forest types,additional control of open burning is required. The counties subject to theneed for additional control are classified as high hazard counties for purposeof this Article. (1981, c. 1100, s.2; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1385, s. 1.)