Article 4E.
North Carolina Prescribed Burning Act.
§ 113‑60.40. Legislative findings.
The General Assembly finds that prescribed burning of forestlands is amanagement tool that is beneficial to North Carolina's public safety, forestand wildlife resources, environment, and economy. The General Assembly findsthat the following are benefits that result from prescribed burning offorestlands:
(1) Prescribed burning reduces the naturally occurring buildupof vegetative fuels on forestlands, thereby reducing the risk and severity ofwildfires and lessening the loss of life and property.
(2) The State's ever‑increasing population is resulting inurban development directly adjacent to fire‑prone forestlands, referredto as a woodland‑urban interface area. The use of prescribed burning inthese woodland‑urban interface areas substantially reduces the risk ofwildfires that cause damage.
(3) Many of North Carolina's natural ecosystems require periodicfire for their survival. Prescribed burning is essential to the perpetuation,restoration, and management of many plant and animal communities. Prescribedburning benefits game, nongame, and endangered wildlife species by increasingthe growth and yield of plants that provide forage and an area for escape andbrooding and that satisfy other habitat needs.
(4) Forestlands are economic, biological, and aesthetic resources of statewide significance. In addition to reducing the frequencyand severity of wildfires, prescribed burning of forestlands helps to preparesites for replanting and natural seeding, to control insects and diseases, andto increase productivity.
(5) Prescribed burning enhances the resources on public uselands, such as State and national forests, wildlife refuges, nature preserves,and game lands. Prescribed burning enhances private lands that are managed forwildlife refuges, nature preserves, and game lands. Prescribed burning enhancesprivate lands that are managed for wildlife, recreation, and other purposes.
As North Carolina's population grows, pressures resulting from liability issues and smoke complaints discourage or limit prescribed burning sothat these numerous benefits to forestlands often are not attainable. Byrecognizing the benefits of prescribed burning and by adopting requirementsgoverning prescribed burning, the General Assembly helps to educate the public,avoid misunderstandings, and reduce complaints about this valuable managementtool. (1999‑121, s. 1.)