§ 113‑8. Powersand duties of the Department.
The Department shall make investigations of the natural resources ofthe State, and take such measures as it may deem best suited to promote theconservation and development of such resources.
It shall have charge of the work of forest maintenance, forest fireprevention, reforestation, and the protection of lands and water supplies bythe preservation of forests; it shall also have the care of State forests andparks, and other recreational areas now owned or to be acquired by the State,including the lakes referred to in G.S. 146‑7.
It shall make such examination, survey and mapping of the geology,mineralogy and topography of the State, including their industrial and economicutilization, as it may consider necessary; make investigations of watersupplies and water powers, prepare and maintain a general inventory of thewater resources of the State, and take such measures as it may considernecessary to promote their development.
It shall have the duty of enforcing all laws relating to theconservation of marine and estuarine resources.
The Department may take such other measures as it may deem advisable toobtain and make public a more complete knowledge of the State and itsresources, and it is authorized to cooperate with other departments andagencies of the State in obtaining and making public such information.
The Department may acquire such real and personal property as may befound desirable and necessary for the performance of the duties and functions ofthe Department and pay for same out of any funds appropriated for theDepartment or available unappropriated revenues of the Department, when suchacquisition is approved by the Governor and Council of State. The title to anyreal estate acquired shall be in the name of the State of North Carolina forthe use and benefit of the Department. (1925, c. 122, s. 9; 1927, c. 57; 1947, c. 118; 1957, c. 753, s. 4; c.1424, s. 2; 1965, c. 957, s. 11; 1973, c. 1262, ss. 28, 86; 1977, c. 198, ss.16, 17; c. 771, s. 4; 1989, c. 727, s. 33.)