Article 6A.
Forestry Services and Advice for Owners and Operatorsof Forestland.
§ 113‑81.1. Authority to render scientificforestry services.
(a) In this Article, unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) "Department" means the Department of Environmentand Natural Resources.
(2) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Environment andNatural Resources.
(b) The Department is hereby authorized to designate, uponrequest, forest trees of forest landowners and forest operators for sale orremoval, by blazing or otherwise, and to measure or estimate the volume of sameunder the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. The Department is alsoauthorized to cooperate with landowners of the State and with counties,municipalities and State agencies by making available forestry servicesconsisting of specialized equipment and operators, or by renting suchequipment, and to perform such labor and services as may be necessary to carryout approved forestry practices, including site preparation, forest planting,prescribed burning, and other appropriate forestry practices. For such servicesor rentals, a reasonable fee representing the Secretary's estimate of not lessthan the costs of such services or rentals shall be charged, provided however,when the Secretary deems it in the public interest, said services may beprovided without charge, for the purpose of encouraging the use of approvedscientific forestry practice on the private or other forestlands within theState, or for the purpose of providing practical demonstrations of saidpractices. Receipts from these activities and rentals shall be credited to thebudget of the Department for the furtherance of these activities. (1947, c. 384, s. 1; 1969, c. 342, s. 3; c. 344; 1973,c. 1262, ss. 28, 86; 1977, c. 771, s. 4; 1989, c. 727, s. 95; 1997‑443,s. 11A.119(a).)