§ 113A‑111. Effectof land‑use plan.
No permit shall be issued under Part 4 of this Article for developmentwhich is inconsistent with the approved land‑use plan for the county inwhich it is proposed. No local ordinance or other local regulation shall beadopted which, within an area of environmental concern, is inconsistent withthe land‑use plan of the county or city in which it is effective; anyexisting local ordinances and regulations within areas of environmental concernshall be reviewed in light of the applicable local land‑use plan andmodified as may be necessary to make them consistent therewith. All localordinances and other local regulations affecting a county within the coastalarea, but not affecting an area of environmental concern, shall be reviewed bythe Commission for consistency with the applicable county and city land‑useplans and, if the Commission finds any such ordinance or regulation to beinconsistent with the applicable land‑use plan, it shall transmitrecommendations for modification to the adopting local government. (1973, c. 1284, s. 1; 1975, c. 452, s. 5; 1981, c.932, s. 2.1.)