§ 113A‑12. Environmental document not required in certain cases.
No environmental document shall be required in connection with:
(1) The construction, maintenance, or removal of an electricpower line, water line, sewage line, stormwater drainage line, telephone line,telegraph line, cable television line, data transmission line, or natural gasline within or across the right‑of‑way of any street or highway.
(2) An action approved under a general permit issued under G.S.113A‑118.1, 143‑215.1(b)(3), or 143‑215.108(c)(8).
(3) A lease or easement granted by a State agency for:
a. The use of an existing building or facility.
b. Placement of a wastewater line on or under submerged landspursuant to a permit granted under G.S. 143‑215.1.
c. A shellfish cultivation lease granted under G.S. 113‑202.
(4) The construction of a driveway connection to a publicroadway. (1991 (Reg. Sess.,1992), c. 945, ss. 5, 7(a); c. 1030, s. 51.15.)