Part 5. Coastal Reserves.
§ 113A‑129.1. Legislative Findings andPurposes.
(a) Findings. It is hereby determined and declared as a matterof legislative finding that the coastal area of North Carolina contains anumber of important undeveloped natural areas. These areas are vital tocontinued fishery and wildlife protection, water quality maintenance andimprovement, preservation of unique and important coastal natural areas,aesthetic enjoyment, and public trust rights such as hunting, fishing, navigation,and recreation. Such land and water areas are necessary for the preservationof estuarine areas of the State, constitute important research facilities, andprovide public access to waters of the State.
(b) Purposes. Important public purposes will be served by thepreservation of certain of these areas in an undeveloped state. Such areaswould thereafter be available for research, education, and other consistentpublic uses. These areas would also continue to contribute perpetually to thenatural productivity and biological, economic, and aesthetic values of NorthCarolina's coastal area. (1989, c. 344, s. 1.)