§ 113A‑129.2. Coastal Reserve Program.
(a) There is hereby created a North Carolina Coastal ReserveSystem for the purpose of acquiring, improving, and maintaining undevelopedcoastal land and water areas in a natural state.
(b) This system shall be established and administered by theDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources. In so doing the Departmentshall consult with and seek the ongoing advice of the Coastal ResourcesCommission. The Department may by rule define the areas to be included in thissystem and set standards for its use.
(c) This system shall be established within the coastal area asdefined by G.S. 113A‑103(2).
(d) All acquisitions or dispositions of property for landswithin this system shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 146 ofthe General Statutes.
(e) All lands and waters within the system shall be usedprimarily for research and education. Other public uses, such as hunting,fishing, navigation, and recreation, shall be allowed to the extent consistentwith these primary uses. Improvements and alterations to the lands shall belimited to those consistent with these uses. (1989, c. 344, s. 1; c. 727, s. 218(58); 1997‑443, s.11A.119(a).)