§ 113A‑134.12. Multiyear beach management andrestoration strategy and plan.
(a) The Department of Environment and Natural Resources shalldevelop a multiyear beach management and restoration strategy and plan thatdoes all of the following:
(1) Utilizes the data and expertise available in the Divisionsof Water Resources, Coastal Management, and Land Resources.
(2) Identifies the erosion rate at each beach community andestimates the degree of vulnerability to storm and hurricane damage.
(3) Uses the best available geological and geographicalinformation to determine the need for and probable effectiveness of beachnourishment.
(4) Provides for coordination with the U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, the North CarolinaDivision of Emergency Management, and other State and federal agenciesconcerned with beach management issues.
(5) Provides a status report on all U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers' beach protection projects in the planning, construction, oroperational stages.
(6) Makes maximum feasible use of suitable sand dredged fromnavigation channels for beach nourishment to avoid the loss of this resourceand to reduce equipment mobilization costs.
(7) Promotes inlet sand bypassing where needed to replicate thenatural flow of sand interrupted by inlets.
(8) Provides for geological and environmental assessments tolocate suitable materials for beach nourishment.
(9) Considers the regional context of beach communities todetermine the most cost‑effective approach to beach nourishment.
(10) Provides for and requires adequate public beach access,including handicapped access.
(11) Recommends priorities for State funding for beach nourishmentprojects, based on the amount of erosion occurring, the potential damage to propertyand to the economy, the benefits for recreation and tourism, the adequacy ofpublic access, the availability of local government matching funds, the statusof project planning, the adequacy of project engineering, the cost‑effectivenessof the project, and the environmental impacts.
(12) Includes recommendations on obtaining the maximum availablefederal financial assistance for beach nourishment.
(13) Is subject to a public hearing to receive citizen input.
(b) Each plan shall be as complete as resources and availableinformation allow. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources shallrevise the plan every two years and shall submit the revised plan to theGeneral Assembly no later than March 1 of each odd‑numbered year. TheDepartment may issue a supplement to the plan in even‑numbered years ifsignificant new information becomes available. (2000‑67, s. 13.9(c), (d).)