§ 113A‑206. Definitions.
Within the meaning of this Article:
(1) The word "person" includes any individual,partnership, firm, association, joint venture, public or private corporation,trust, estate, commission, board, public or private institution, utility,cooperative, interstate body, the State of North Carolina and its agencies andpolitical subdivisions, or other legal entity.
(2) A person, as defined in this section, doing business ormaintaining an office within a county is a resident of the county.
(3) "Tall buildings or structures" include anybuilding, structure or unit within a multiunit building with a vertical heightof more than 40 feet measured from the top of the foundation of said building,structure or unit and the uppermost point of said building, structure or unit;provided, however, that where such foundation measured from the naturalfinished grade of the crest or the natural finished grade of the high side ofthe slope of a ridge exceeds 3 feet, then such measurement in excess of 3 feetshall be included in the 40‑foot limitation described herein; provided,further, that no such building, structure or unit shall protrude at itsuppermost point above the crest of the ridge by more than 35 feet. "Tallbuildings or structures" do not include:
a. Water, radio, telephone or television towers or anyequipment for the transmission of electricity or communications or both.
b. Structures of a relatively slender nature and minor verticalprojections of a parent building, including chimneys, flagpoles, flues, spires,steeples, belfries, cupolas, antennas, poles, wires, or windmills.
c. Buildings and structures designated as National HistoricSites on the National Archives Registry.
(4) "Construction" includes reconstruction,alteration, or expansion.
(5) "Ridge" means the elongated crest or series ofcrests at the apex or uppermost point of intersection between two oppositeslopes or sides of a mountain, and includes all land within 100 feet below theelevation of any portion of such line or surface along the crest.
(6) "Protected mountain ridges" are all mountainridges whose elevation is 3,000 feet and whose elevation is 500 or more feetabove the elevation of an adjacent valley floor; provided, however, that acounty, or a city with a population of fifty thousand (50,000) or more, mayelect to eliminate the requirement for an elevation of 3,000 feet, and suchelection shall apply both to an ordinance adopted under G.S. 113A‑208 andthe prohibition against construction under G.S. 113A‑209; provided,further, that such ordinance shall be adopted pursuant to the procedures ofG.S. 113A‑208.
(7) "Crest" means the uppermost line of a mountain orchain of mountains from which the land falls away on at least two sides to alower elevation or elevations. (1983, c. 676, s. 1; 1985, c. 713, s. 1.)