§ 113A‑207. Legislative findings.
The construction of tall or major buildings and structures on theridges and higher elevations of North Carolina's mountains in an inappropriateor badly designed manner can cause unusual problems and hazards to the residentsof and to visitors to the mountains. Supplying water to, and disposing of thesewage from, buildings at high elevations with significant numbers of residentsmay infringe on the ground water rights and endanger the health of thosepersons living at lower elevations. Providing fire protection may be difficultgiven the lack of water supply and pressure and the possibility that fire willbe fanned by high winds. Extremes of weather can endanger buildings,structures, vehicles, and persons. Tall or major buildings and structureslocated on ridges are a hazard to air navigation and persons on the ground anddetract from the natural beauty of the mountains. (1983, c. 676, s. 1.)