§ 113A‑234. Administration of grants.
(a) Grant Procedures and Criteria. The Secretary ofEnvironment and Natural Resources shall establish the procedures and criteriafor awarding grants from the Conservation Grant Fund. The criteria shall focusgrants on those areas, approaches, and techniques that are likely to providethe optimum positive effect on environmental protection. The Secretary shallmake the final decision on the award of grants and shall announce the awardpublicly in a timely manner.
(b) Grant Administration. The Secretary may administer thegrants under this Article or may contract for selected activities under thisArticle. If administrative services are contracted, the Department shallestablish guidance and criteria for its operation and contract with a statewidenonprofit land trust service organization. (1997‑226, s. 6; 1997‑443, s. 11A.119(b); 2002‑155,s. 4.)