§ 113A‑252. Definitions.
The following definitionsapply in this Article:
(1) Council. Theadvisory council for the Clean Water Management Trust Fund.
(2) Economicallydistressed local government unit. An economically distressed county, asdefined in G.S. 143B‑437.01, or a local government unit located in thatcounty.
(3) Fund. The CleanWater Management Trust Fund created pursuant to this Article.
(4) Land. Realproperty and any interest in, easement in, or restriction on real property.
(4a) Local governmentunit. Defined in G.S. 159G‑20.
(4b) Stormwater qualityproject. Defined in G.S. 159G‑20.
(5) Trustees. Thetrustees of the Clean Water Management Trust Fund.
(6) Wastewatercollection system. Defined in G.S. 159G‑20.
(7) Wastewater treatmentworks. Defined in G.S. 159G‑20. (1996, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 18, s. 27.6(a); 2003‑340,s. 1.3; 2005‑454, s. 4; 2006‑252, s. 2.13.)