Article 4A.
Vehicular Surface Areas.
§ 113A‑70. Definitions.
(a) The definitions setout in Article 4 of this Chapter apply to this Article.
(b) As used in thissection:
(1) "Impervioussurface" means any material that prevents the natural infiltration ofwater into the soil.
(2) "Land‑disturbingactivity" has the same meaning as in G.S. 113A‑52.
(3) "Privatepassenger vehicle" has the same meaning as in G.S. 20‑4.01.
(4) "Vehicularsurface area" means an area primarily used for the parking of private passengervehicles. "Vehicular surface area" includes the means of ingress andegress to the area where private passenger vehicles are parked. "Vehicularsurface area" includes any median, traffic island, or other trafficcontrol device or structure contained wholly within the vehicular parking area."Vehicular surface area" does not include covered vehicle parkingareas or multilevel vehicle parking areas. (2008‑198, s. 8(b).)