§ 113A‑73. Policyand purpose.
(a) In order to provide for the ever‑increasing outdoorrecreation needs of an expanded population and in order to promote publicaccess to, travel within, and enjoyment and appreciation of the open‑air,outdoor areas of the State, the Appalachian Trail should be protected in NorthCarolina as a segment of the National Scenic Trails System.
(b) The purpose of this Article is to provide the means forattaining these objectives by instituting a North Carolina Appalachian TrailSystem, designating the Appalachian Trail lying or located in the NorthCarolina Counties of Avery, Mitchell, Yancey, Madison, Haywood, Swain, Graham,Macon, and Clay, as defined in the Federal Register of the National Trails Actas the basic component of that System, and by prescribing the methods by which,and standards according to which, additional connecting trails may be added tothe System. (1973, c. 545, s.2.)