§ 113B‑11. Powers andauthority.
(a) The Energy PolicyCouncil is authorized to secure directly from any officer, office, department,commission, board, bureau, institution and other agency of the State and itspolitical subdivisions any information it deems necessary to carry out itsfunctions; and all such officers and agencies shall cooperate with the Counciland, to the extent permitted by law, furnish such information to the Council asit may request.
(b) To assure theadequate development of relevant energy information, the Council may requireall energy producers and major energy consumers, as determined by the Council,to file such reports and forecasts and at such dates as the Council mayrequest; provided, however, that the Council may request only specific energy‑relatedinformation which it deems necessary to carry out its duties as defined inArticles 1 and 2 of this Chapter.
(c) The Council shallhave authority to apply for and utilize grants, contributions andappropriations in order to carry out its duties as defined in Articles 1 and 2of this Chapter, provided, however, that all such applications and requests aremade through and administered by the Department of Commerce.
(d) The Council shallhave authority to request said Department to allocate and dispense any fundsmade available to the Council for energy research and related work efforts insuch a manner as the Council desires subject only to the stipulation that saidfunds be reasonably used in furtherance of the purposes of this Article.
(e) The Department ofCommerce shall provide the staffing capability to the Energy Policy Council soas to fully and effectively develop recommendations for a comprehensive Stateenergy policy as contained in the provisions of this Article. The UtilitiesCommission is hereby authorized to make its staff available to the Council toassist in the development of a State energy policy. (1975, c. 877, s. 4; 1977,c. 23, s. 1; 1989, c. 751, s. 7(10); 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 959, s. 28;2000‑140, s. 76(d); 2009‑446, s. 8.)