§ 113B‑12. Annualreports; contents.
(a) Beginning January1, 1977, and every year thereafter, the Energy Policy Council shall transmit tothe Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of theSenate, the chairman of the Utilities Commission and the appropriate chairmenof the House and Senate committees concerned with energy matters, acomprehensive report providing a general overview of energy conditions in theState. On January 1, 1976, the Energy Policy Council shall transmit a progressreport to the public officials named above.
(b) The report shallinclude, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) An overview ofstatewide growth and development as they relate to future requirements forenergy, including patterns of urban and metropolitan expansion, shifts intransportation modes, modifications in building types and design, and othertrends and factors which, as determined by the Council, will significantlyaffect energy needs;
(2) The level ofstatewide and multi‑county regional energy demand for a five‑, 10‑and 20‑year forecast period which, in the judgment of the Council, canreasonably be met, with proposals as to possible energy supply sources;
(3) An assessment ofgrowth trends in energy consumption and production and an identification ofpotential adverse social, economic, or environmental impacts which might beimposed by continuation of the present trends, including energy costs toconsumers, significant increases in air, water, and other forms of pollution,threats to public health and safety, and loss of scenic and natural areas;
(4) An analysis of therole of energy efficiency, renewable energy, improvements to the State's energyinfrastructure, and other means in meeting the State's current and projectedenergy demand;
(5) Repealed by SessionLaws 2009‑446, s. 9, effective August 7, 2009.
(6) Recommendations tothe Governor and the General Assembly for additional administrative andlegislative actions on energy matters;
(7) A summary of theCouncil's activities since its inception, a description of major plansdeveloped by the Council, an assessment of plan implementation, and a review ofCouncil plans and programs for the coming biennium. (1975, c. 877, s. 4; 2009‑446,s. 9.)