§ 113B‑8. EnergyManagement Plan; components.
(a) The Energy Policy Council shall prepare a recommended EnergyManagement Plan for transmittal to the Governor, the initial plan to becompleted by June 30, 1976.
(b) The Energy Management Plan shall be designed to encouragethe most efficient use of all sources of energy available to meet the needs ofthe State and to avoid undue dependence upon relatively limited, unreliable oruneconomical sources of energy.
(c) The Energy Management Plan shall include but not be limitedto the following:
(1) An analysis of the current pattern of consumption of energythroughout the State by category of energy user and by sources of energysupply;
(2) An assessment of the effect of demand and supply ofdifferent forms of energy upon the current pattern of consumption;
(3) An independent analysis, in five‑, 10‑ and 20‑yearforecasts, of future energy production, supplies and consumption for NorthCarolina in relation to forecasts of statewide population growth and economicexpansion;
(4) An analysis of the anticipated effects of recommendedconservation measures upon the consumption of energy in the State;
(5) An assessment of the possible effects of national energyand economic policy and international economic and political conditions uponan adequate and reliable supply of different forms of energy for NorthCarolina;
(6) An assessment of the social, economic and environmentaleffects of alternative future consumption patterns on energy usage in NorthCarolina, including the potentially disruptive effects of supply limitations;
(7) Recommendations on the use of different future energysources that seem most appropriate and feasible for North Carolina in meetingexpected energy needs during the next five‑, 10‑ and 20‑yearperiods, with consideration given to growth trends in North Carolina industryand possible adverse economic impact on such trends.
(d) In addition to the above, the Energy Management Plan shallcontain proposals for the implementation of such recommendations as can becarried out by executive order. Upon completion of a draft recommended plan,the Council shall arrange for its distribution to interested parties and shallmake such plan available to the public and the Council further shall set a datefor public hearing on said plan.
(e) Upon completion of the Energy Management Plan, the Counciland the Governor shall follow the procedures as outlined in G.S. 113B‑7(e)and (f).
(f) The Council shall update such plan upon a finding by itthat an update is justified and shall follow the procedures for adoptionpursuant to G.S. 113B‑7(e) and (f).
(g) The Governor shall have the authority to accept, administerand enforce federal programs, program measures, and permissive delegations ofauthority delegated to the Governor by the President of the United States,Congress, or the United States Department of Energy, on behalf of the State ofNorth Carolina, which pertain to management of energy resources.
(h) The Governor shall have the authority to accept, administerand enforce the delegation of authority delegated to the State by the EmergencyPetroleum Allocation Act and the Emergency Energy Conservation Act of 1979 andany orders, rules, and regulations issued pursuant to those acts as well as anysucceeding federal programs, program measures, laws, orders, or regulationsrelating to the allocation, conservation, consumption, management or rationingof energy resources. (1975, c. 877, s. 4; 1981, c. 701, s. 2.)