Article 3.
Division of Criminal Statistics.
§ 114‑10. Division of Criminal Statistics.
The Attorney General shall set up in the Department of Justice adivision to be designated as the Division of Criminal Statistics. There shallbe assigned to this Division by the Attorney General duties as follows:
(1) To collect and correlate information in criminal lawadministration, including crimes committed, arrests made, dispositions onpreliminary hearings, prosecutions, convictions, acquittals, punishment, appeals,together with the age, race, and sex of the offender, the necessary data tomake a trace regarding all firearms seized, forfeited, found, or otherwisecoming into the possession of any State or local law enforcement agency of theState that are believed to have been used in the commission of a crime, andsuch other information concerning crime and criminals as may appear significantor helpful. To correlate such information with the operations of agencies andinstitutions charged with the supervision of offenders on probation, in penaland correctional institutions, on parole and pardon, so as to show the volume,variety and tendencies of crime and criminals and the workings of successivelinks in the machinery set up for the administration of the criminal law inconnection with the arrests, trial, punishment, probation, prison parole andpardon of all criminals in North Carolina.
(2) To collect, correlate, and maintain access to informationthat will assist in the performance of duties required in the administration ofcriminal justice throughout the State. This information may include, but is notlimited to, motor vehicle registration, drivers' licenses, wanted and missingpersons, stolen property, warrants, stolen vehicles, firearms registration,sexual offender registration as provided under Article 27A of Chapter 14 of theGeneral Statutes, drugs, drug users and parole and probation histories. Inperforming this function, the Division may arrange to use information availablein other agencies and units of State, local and federal government, but shallprovide security measures to insure that such information shall be madeavailable only to those whose duties, relating to the administration ofjustice, require such information.
(2a) Recodified as G.S. 114‑10.1 by Session Laws 2002‑159,s. 18(a).
(3) To make scientific study, analysis and comparison from theinformation so collected and correlated with similar information gathered byfederal agencies, and to provide the Governor and the General Assembly with theinformation so collected biennially, or more often if required by the Governor.
(4) To perform all the duties heretofore imposed by law upon theAttorney General with respect to criminal statistics.
(5) To perform such other duties as may be from time to timeprescribed by the Attorney General.
(6) To promulgate rules and regulations for the administrationof this Article. (1939, c. 315, s. 2; 1955,c. 1257, ss. 1, 2; 1969, c. 1267, s. 1; 1995, c. 545, s. 2; 1999‑26, s.1; 1999‑225, s. 1; 2000‑67, s. 17.2(a); 2001‑424, s. 23.7(a);2002‑159, s. 18(a).)