§ 114‑13. Director of the Bureau; personnel.
The Attorney General shall appoint a Director of the Bureau ofInvestigation, who shall serve at the will of the Attorney General, and whosesalary shall be fixed by the Department of Administration under G.S. 143‑36et seq. He may further appoint a sufficient number of assistants andstenographic and clerical help, who shall be competent and qualified to do thework of the Bureau. The salaries of such assistants shall be fixed by theDepartment of Administration under G.S. 143‑36 et seq. The salaries ofclerical and stenographic help shall be the same as now provided for similaremployees in other State departments and bureaus. (1937, c. 349, s. 4; 1939, c. 315, s. 6; 1955, c. 1185, s. 1; 1957, c.269, s. 1; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1272, s. 3; 2003‑214, s. 1(1).)