§ 114‑14. General powers and duties of Directorand assistants.
The Director of the Bureau and his assistants are given the same powerof arrest as is now vested in the sheriffs of the several counties, and theirjurisdiction shall be statewide. The Director of the Bureau and his assistantsshall, at the request of the Governor, give assistance to sheriffs, policeofficers, district attorneys, and judges when called upon by them and sodirected. They shall also give assistance, when requested, to the office of theDepartment of Correction in the investigation of cases pending before theparole office and of complaints lodged against parolees, when so directed bythe Governor. (1937, c. 349, s. 5; 1973,c. 47, s. 2; c. 1262, s. 10; 2003‑214, s. 1(1).)