§ 114‑19.9. Criminal record checks of McGruffHouse Program volunteers.
(a) Authority. The Department of Justice and the FederalBureau of Investigation may provide to any local law enforcement agency acriminal record check of any individual who applies as a volunteer for theMcGruff House Program in that community and a criminal record check of allpersons 18 years of age or older who live in the applying household. The NorthCarolina criminal record check may also be done by a certified DCI operator withinthe local law enforcement agency.
(b) Procedure. A criminal record check must be conducted byusing an individual's fingerprints and all identification information requiredby the Department of Justice to identify that individual. A criminal recordcheck shall be provided only if: (i) the individual whose record is checkedconsents to the record check, and (ii) every individual who is 18 years of ageor older who lives in the household also consents to the record check. Refusalto give consent is considered withdrawal of the application. The informationshall be kept confidential by the local law enforcement agency that receivesthe information. If the confidential information is disclosed under thissection, the Department may refuse to provide further criminal record checks tothat local law enforcement agency. (1999‑214, s.1; 2003‑214, s. 1(2).)