§ 114‑2.1. Consentjudgments.
In litigation in which the State is interested or is a party, noconsent judgment shall be entered into by the State unless and no consentjudgment shall be binding on the State except to the extent that the State'sentire obligation for the current and for future fiscal years will be satisfiedwith funds that are available for that purpose for the current fiscal year,including funds that the Council of State agrees to allot from the Contingencyand Emergency Fund, provided that for payments of tort claims and workers'compensation claims it shall not be binding on the State except to the extentthat the State's entire obligation for the current and for future fiscal yearscan be satisfied with funds that are available for the current fiscal year,including funds that the Council of State agrees to allot from the Contingencyand Emergency Fund. The Director of the Budget shall report to theappropriation committees of the General Assembly concerning all funds madeavailable during the preceding fiscal year from the Contingency and EmergencyFund for the purpose of carrying out consent judgments. (1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1282, s. 51; 1983 (Reg.Sess., 1984), c. 1034, s. 95; c. 1116, s. 85.)